Soil organic matter in a cereal only cropping system, R3-0020, Säby

Local identifier
R3-0020, C-54-1970
Years operational
The aim of these experiments is to study the change in soil organic matter after long-term exclusive cereal production or at four levels of nitrogen addition and with straw either removed or left in field.
The soil organic matter experiments, also called the “humic balance” experiments, consist of two paired experimental series, one with only cereals and one with mostly grass/clover ley, for a total of eight experimental sites. The experiments were started at four different locations between 1970 and 1981. The aim of these experiments is to study the change in soil organic matter after either long-term exclusive cereal production or mixed lay production at four levels of nitrogen addition. Nitrogen is added as mineral fertilizer (Axan, N28). In addition, the effect on soil carbon from removing or leaving the straw is investigated for the cereal experiment. Phosphorus and potassium removed by harvest is calculated for each four year rotation and the corresponding amount is applied as mineral fertilizer during the following rotation. Other plant nutrients are added as needed. Chemical pest and weed control are used. The crop rotation for R3-0020 consists of only cereals, such as winter wheat, spring barley and oats. Crop samples are collected every year and top soil samples every 4th year.
Data Access Statement
Available to any researcher on request
Data Access Notes
Data license
Don't know
Data policy
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The Swedish University for Agricultural Sciences
research organisation
Dr Sabina Braun
experiment manager
Soil and Environment

Site: Säby

research station field
Local code
Geographic location
59.8192, 17.646
© OpenStreetMap contributors
15 Metres
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Design period:

Design Type
Split split plot
Cereal production or at four levels of nitrogen addition and with straw either removed or left in field. Only cereals in the crop rotation. The same amount of phosphorus and potassium that is removed by harvest during a four-year period is added as mineral fertilizer during the following four-year period.
Design description
Four blocks, straw-management in first split and N-level in second split. Sixteen plots total. Plot size 90 sqm.
Number of replicates
Number of harvests per year
CropYears grown
spring oats
spring barley
spring wheat
winter wheat
Factor name
Factor levels
nitrogen fertilizer exposure
no n  (0 kgN/ha)
N40  (40 kgN/ha)
Application frequency: annually
N80  (80 kgN/ha)
Application frequency: annually
N120  (120 kgN/ha)
Application frequency: annually
crop residue management process
straw removed
straw left in field
soil pHSoilevery 4th year
plant available phosphorousSoilevery 4th yearAmmonium acetate lactate (AL method)
potassium contentSoilevery 4th yearAmmonium acetate lactate (AL method)
soil total carbonSoilevery 4th year
total soil nitrogenSoilevery 4th year
grain yield traitAll cropsYield, content of N, P and K
phosphorous contentNot specifiedStraw (when removed)
potassium contentNot specifiedStraw (when removed)

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