The soil biology experiment, R3-0130

Local identifier
R3-0130, R-306-1996
Years operational
Investigating the effect of different combinations of organic material and nitrogen fertilization on soil organic matter and soil microbial community.
The usefulness of the frame experiments combined with the small plot size led to the establishment of this sister experiment in 1996, located at the SLU research station in Lanna, Skara. This experiment has a plot size of 8∙14 m except for plots 9, 10, 27, and 27 which are 6∙14 m. Input of organic materials and mineral fertilizers is combined in nine treatments. All treatments have four field replicates. Crop rotation consists of only cereals, and grain and straw samples are collected every year. Topsoil samples are collected every second year. A new sub-surface drainage system was installed in 2022.
Data Access Statement
Available to any researcher on request
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The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
research organisation
Dr Sabina Braun
experiment manager
Soil and Environment

Site: Lanna

research station field
Local code
R3-0130, R-306-1996
Geographic location
58.3461, 13.1233
© OpenStreetMap contributors
10 Metres
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Design period:

Design Type
Randomized complete block design
Treatment Management A Black fallow, no inputs B 80 N ha-1 in Ks every year. 40 kg P and 30 kg K ha-1 every second year. C 80 kg N ha as ammonium sulfate every year. 40 kg P and 30 kg K ha-1 every second year. D 8 ton ash free dry mass as grass hay every second year E 8 ton ash free dry mass as manure every second year F 8 ton ash free dry mass as sewage sludge every second year G Before 2010: Digestate and Cd, Cu and Ni salts. From 2013: 80 kg N ha-1 as Ks every year. 40 kg P and 30 kg K ha-1 every second year. H 80 kg N ha-1 as biogas digestate every second year I Cropped, no inputs Soil is sampled every second year
Design description
Four blocks, nine treatments. Total plot number: 36.
Number of replicates
CropYears grown
spring oats
spring barley
spring wheat
winter wheat